With yet another victory over the Chicago Cubs last night- moving the Phillies within one in the loss column- one question becomes increasingly relevant:
which one of the Phillies' "Aces" would you pitch in a Game 1: Leiber, Moyer, Wolf, Hamels or Meyers? Gillick you magnificient genius! Quick: if you had to choose, right now, which rotation to take into the play-offs if they started tomorrow-
would you take either the Mets or the Phillies? Curious, no?
Tulane fans everywhere were disheartened by
this unintelligible string on the yogwf.
To me, the best part is the hurt feelings. I am an admirer of the yogwf community- but that string is frankly inane. People, you represent Tulane- this quality “argument” is one I would associate with grads from LSU-Eunice. Now, not everyone agrees with me:
Frank… or is it Ricky Bobby? Up yours, you conceded know nothing? -noschmo
Okay, okay, it is “conceited”-
but readers are to be indulged.

Speaking of Ricky Bobby- this blog & I are on hiatus for the weekend- as I am off to Bristol Motor Speedway for my annual pilgrimage to the world’s fastest half-mile.
Go Tony Stewart! Move those other cars right out of the way!
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